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Lapland - Santa Claus Village

Lapland - Santa Claus Village Last image
Santa Claus Village is a tourist attraction near Rovaniemi in Lapland. This is a place that attracts tourists from all over the world, especially during the Christmas period. The webcam is usually active from December to February and shows the main square in front of the Santa's hut. The current webcam image available on the external website.
2025-03-13 22:03 EET   
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Weather station

Weather station
Weather station
Temperature: -5 °C (23 °F)
Precipitation: 0.0 mm
Cloud cover: 0%
Wind speed: 4 km/h (2 mph)
Wind direction: 223 °
Pressure: 996 hPa
Humidity: 63%
Visibility: 10 km
Sunrise: 06:42 am
Sunset: 06:10 pm
Moonrise: 05:03 pm
Moonset: 07:03 am
Max temperature: -4 °C (24 °F)
Min temperature: -17 °C (2 °F)
Ultraviolet index: 0
Weather station
Weather station
Temperature: -4 °C (24 °F)
Precipitation: 0.1 mm
Cloud cover: 88%
Wind speed: 6 km/h (4 mph)
Wind direction: 146 °
Pressure: 1001 hPa
Humidity: 96%
Visibility: 3 km
Sunrise: 06:42 am
Sunset: 06:10 pm
Moonrise: 05:03 pm
Moonset: 07:03 am
Max temperature: -4 °C (24 °F)
Min temperature: -17 °C (2 °F)
Ultraviolet index: 0
Weather station
Weather station
Temperature: -6 °C (21 °F)
Precipitation: 1.0 mm
Cloud cover: 75%
Wind speed: 21 km/h (13 mph)
Wind direction: 251 °
Pressure: 998 hPa
Humidity: 94%
Visibility: 6 km
Sunrise: 06:39 am
Sunset: 06:13 pm
Moonrise: 06:40 pm
Moonset: 06:49 am
Max temperature: -6 °C (21 °F)
Min temperature: -19 °C (-2 °F)
Ultraviolet index: 0
Weather station
Weather station
Temperature: -5 °C (23 °F)
Precipitation: 3.2 mm
Cloud cover: 77%
Wind speed: 23 km/h (14 mph)
Wind direction: 248 °
Pressure: 995 hPa
Humidity: 92%
Visibility: 7 km
Sunrise: 06:35 am
Sunset: 06:17 pm
Moonrise: 08:15 pm
Moonset: 06:37 am
Max temperature: -5 °C (23 °F)
Min temperature: -16 °C (4 °F)
Ultraviolet index: 0

Location map

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66°32'35" N 25°50'34" E

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09/27/2016 | IP Hash: tsh4he


nov e slovenish e nnov english e niht doeich fastanth slovenish!

12/26/2015 | IP Hash: 4g1eujr


Greetings from Serbia for people all over the world ✴✳❇🎄

07/28/2015 | IP Hash: 49nl9u


Ce faci?

12/23/2014 | IP Hash: 7e3b


Draga Mos Craciun, de anul acesta imi doresc,te rog frumos,o pereche de schiuri,dulciuri si pentru sora mea,Dianate rog sa ii aduci un elefant de jucarie,o papusa si dulciuri.Daca nu poti aduce aceste daruri nu este nici o problema. Itimultumim❗️! 😃

12/20/2014 | IP Hash: 4qkf09s


buna mos craciun! eu doresc sa imi aduci la cluj-napoca din romania pe celestia din regatul pony, o papusa zana, castelul lui sparklesi niste haine cu elsa si ana.multumesc❗️! 🐑🎄🥳 🐕

12/23/2013 | IP Hash: 3gmhs0m3b


buna Mos Craciun! te rog sa imi aduci un calut de jucarie cu aripi si un mai am o catelusa pe nume Mara care cred ca de Craciun isi doreste un os mare si delicios . si mai am o sora pe nume jasmine si ei ii plac mult catelusii.te astept cu drag la Cluj-Napoca in Romania. 🐕🎄

12/22/2013 | IP Hash: 3gmhs0m3b

~mos craciun

jasmine voi veni si la tine la cluj

07/28/2015 | IP Hash: 49nl9u


Vreau sa imi aduci de Craciunul acesta un telefon.Fara butoane daca se poate.
Imi aduci?

12/11/2012 | IP Hash: g39t4sqboi


Gerbiamas Kaledu seneli noreciau nesiojamo kompiuterio as gyvenu Lietuvoje Jiezne su Melie Domantas

12/26/2011 | IP Hash: 3piz3v

~Maciek z Gdyni

Greetings for all people on the world!

08/30/2011 | IP Hash: ggwyo2


hello i'm from poland❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️

12/06/2009 | IP Hash: eebg0


Hi!Santa claus come here to macedonia!

01/16/2009 | IP Hash: 587yst


hello,sr.santa claus❗️!my name paulo suomi... 👋

12/26/2008 | IP Hash: 137cn0


I don't believe that its incredible.I love tu visit Laponia

01/03/2008 | IP Hash: sgjyo


its incredible❗️❗️me gustaria visitar Laponia, es muy bonita.

See also