OUR MISSION: The mission of the Pinewood Fire Department is to provide protection of life, property, and the environment from the effects of fires, medical emergencies, and hazards. We engage the community in our mission through progressive community outreach. We will maintain a constant state of readiness to respond to all requests for services through training, maintenance of equipment, and a desire to serve our community.
Upcoming Events
Weather Station
Contact Info
Emergency: Dial 911
Wildfire Information
Road Conditions: Dial 511
Sanitary District
Arizona Water Company
Emergency 1-800-696-0595
PFD in the news…
- Emergency Notification Changes
- How to Dispose of Hot Ashes
- Prop 408
- Coffee mugs and cook books for sale
- House Fire at 17750 S Stallion Dr
- House Fire on Turkey Tr
- Open house at the fire station
- Flower Garden Dedication
- Pinewood Fire District Receives 2016 Governor’s Office of Highway safety Grant
- Munds Park road repairs