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LambWatch is a window into life on a rural farm in the UK. Our 'lambing live' 'lamb cam' lets you enjoy the daily life 'down on the farm' without leaving the comfort of your chair. Find out more »

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Here come the boys!

Here come the boys!

Posted 6th June 2023, 0 replies

Introducing Frodo, Bertie, Flynn, Bentley and "Other One", the LambWatch tups (rams). Read Article

An evening flock-check walk

An evening flock-check walk

Posted 3rd June 2023, 2 replies

Checking the sheep; a sunset stroll through the wildflower meadows and woodlands. Read Article

Live Chat

Cindy 09:02


Milly 07:18

Morning Neil and all.

Neil 06:51

Good Morning Folk, on another morning with an overcast sky, but at least it's dry...at the moment! Many thanks Helen. that's a bit of interesting ancient history I didn't know about; I wonder if the day or "ceremony" was given a name! Wishing You All a safe & happy day ahead, .....

25 Mar
Helen 18:49

Neil, in mediaeval times the 25th of March was considered the beginning of the new year, when labourers went to new jobs and new lodgings. Even in my own lifetime that was the custom in the province of Quebec here. It was moving day. You didn't have to move, but if you did, that was when it happened.

Ric 16:27

Not quite as late as me, Neil!

Neil 16:17

Hi All, Late again...can't get the staff!!! lol! I'm intrigued about you saying today is traditionally moving day, Helen, I haven't moved but interested in what is perhaps an old custom relating to accommodation is it? Hoping you are all enjoying a safe & happy day....

Cindy 09:06


Helen 09:03

Good morning everyone. Traditionally, for hundreds of years, this was moving day. Hope you are all staying put.

Debbie 08:38

Good morning

Milly 07:47

Morning Helen and all.

24 Mar
Helen 19:57

Oh, it is. I went back to look.

Milly 18:24

Lovely sunset 🌇

Cindy 08:59


Debbie 08:45

Good morning

Helen 08:45

Good morning, all. Happy Monday.

Ric 08:42


Neil 07:24

Good Morning again All, I think the Live Chat & the webcam are struggling with glitches, so I'll again wish you a safe & happy day ahead...

Milly 05:54

Morning Helen and all.

23 Mar
Milly 18:49

Thanks Helen, it was lovely.

Helen 10:50

Happy for you, Milly. Enjoy the family occasion.

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LambWatch T ShirtGift Shop
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LambWatch DVDLambWatch DVD
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Knitted ToysKnitted Toys
Unique artisan gifts made from the wool of our sheep.