Sunrise and sunset through online cameras
The most beautiful scenery pictures are taken at sunrise and sunset. That's when the sun paints the world gold, and moments earlier or later purple and blue. An image full of vivid colours goes to the camera's matrix.
Online video cameras, like a standard camera, can record these unique moments every day. The better the camera, the more we will be able to see.
The sun rises and sets all the time on our planet. Having an exact knowledge of the currently illuminated part of the globe and knowing the location of several thousand cameras, we can observe this unusual phenomenon almost all day long.
For this purpose, we've have created two lists containing cameras, with which you can observe the rising or setting sun. The lists are refreshed every 3 minutes and cove the range from 20 minutes before sunrise/sunset to 20 minutes after sunrise/sunset.
If the list is empty, it means that the sunrise or sunset cannot currently be seen on any cameras.
In case there are a lot of such cameras, only the most popular ones will appear on the list. All cameras are located on the map on the border between light and dark backgrounds.