Webcams nearby
Syrrako - Panoramic view
Webcams nearby

Live view of the village panorama from the camera mounted on the Old School Boutique Hotel. Syrrako lies at an altitude of about 1,150 meters above sea level, on the slopes of Mount Lakmos in the Pindus range. The village is built entirely of stones. The current webcam image available on the external website.
2025-03-07 22:03 EET
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Weather station
Temperature: 20 °C (68 °F)
Precipitation: 0.0 mm
Cloud cover: 0%
Wind speed: 5 km/h (3 mph)
Precipitation: 0.0 mm
Cloud cover: 0%
Wind speed: 5 km/h (3 mph)
Wind direction: 244 °
Pressure: 1020 hPa
Humidity: 17%
Visibility: 10 km
Pressure: 1020 hPa
Humidity: 17%
Visibility: 10 km
Sunrise: 06:59 am
Sunset: 06:34 pm
Sunset: 06:34 pm
Moonrise: 11:31 am
Moonset: 02:38 am
Moonset: 02:38 am
Max temperature: 18 °C (65 °F)
Min temperature: 6 °C (43 °F)
Ultraviolet index: 1
Min temperature: 6 °C (43 °F)
Ultraviolet index: 1
Temperature: 18 °C (65 °F)
Precipitation: 0.0 mm
Cloud cover: 5%
Wind speed: 10 km/h (6 mph)
Precipitation: 0.0 mm
Cloud cover: 5%
Wind speed: 10 km/h (6 mph)
Wind direction: 123 °
Pressure: 1022 hPa
Humidity: 40%
Visibility: 10 km
Pressure: 1022 hPa
Humidity: 40%
Visibility: 10 km
Sunrise: 06:59 am
Sunset: 06:34 pm
Sunset: 06:34 pm
Moonrise: 11:31 am
Moonset: 02:38 am
Moonset: 02:38 am
Max temperature: 18 °C (65 °F)
Min temperature: 6 °C (43 °F)
Ultraviolet index: 1
Min temperature: 6 °C (43 °F)
Ultraviolet index: 1
Temperature: 17 °C (62 °F)
Precipitation: 0.0 mm
Cloud cover: 22%
Wind speed: 8 km/h (5 mph)
Precipitation: 0.0 mm
Cloud cover: 22%
Wind speed: 8 km/h (5 mph)
Wind direction: 136 °
Pressure: 1016 hPa
Humidity: 48%
Visibility: 10 km
Pressure: 1016 hPa
Humidity: 48%
Visibility: 10 km
Sunrise: 06:57 am
Sunset: 06:35 pm
Sunset: 06:35 pm
Moonrise: 12:32 pm
Moonset: 03:39 am
Moonset: 03:39 am
Max temperature: 17 °C (62 °F)
Min temperature: 7 °C (44 °F)
Ultraviolet index: 1
Min temperature: 7 °C (44 °F)
Ultraviolet index: 1
Temperature: 16 °C (61 °F)
Precipitation: 0.0 mm
Cloud cover: 8%
Wind speed: 10 km/h (6 mph)
Precipitation: 0.0 mm
Cloud cover: 8%
Wind speed: 10 km/h (6 mph)
Wind direction: 136 °
Pressure: 1016 hPa
Humidity: 54%
Visibility: 10 km
Pressure: 1016 hPa
Humidity: 54%
Visibility: 10 km
Sunrise: 06:56 am
Sunset: 06:36 pm
Sunset: 06:36 pm
Moonrise: 01:40 pm
Moonset: 04:29 am
Moonset: 04:29 am
Max temperature: 16 °C (61 °F)
Min temperature: 6 °C (43 °F)
Ultraviolet index: 1
Min temperature: 6 °C (43 °F)
Ultraviolet index: 1
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