Webcams nearby
Osorno - Several views
Webcams nearby
Villa La Angostura - Cerro Bayo Ski Reso...
130 km (80 mi)
San Martín de los Andes - Lake Lácar
157 km (97 mi)
San Carlos de Bariloche - Villa Catedral
157 km (97 mi)
San Martín de los Andes - Chapelco Ski R...
159 km (98 mi)
Bariloche - Centro, Villa Catedral, Aman...
165 km (102 mi)
Lonquimay - Corralco Resort de Montaña
275 km (170 mi)
Neuquén - Several views
469 km (291 mi)
Cipolletti - Several views
475 km (294 mi)
A collection of cameras overlooking the Plaza de Armas and the parks, sports fields and roads of the city. The current webcam image available on the external website.
Weather station
Temperature: 18 °C (64 °F)
Precipitation: 0.0 mm
Cloud cover: 5%
Wind speed: 5 km/h (3 mph)
Precipitation: 0.0 mm
Cloud cover: 5%
Wind speed: 5 km/h (3 mph)
Wind direction: 162 °
Pressure: 1020 hPa
Humidity: 42%
Visibility: 10 km
Pressure: 1020 hPa
Humidity: 42%
Visibility: 10 km
Sunrise: 06:18 am
Sunset: 09:24 pm
Sunset: 09:24 pm
Moonrise: 01:16 am
Moonset: 12:38 pm
Moonset: 12:38 pm
Max temperature: 25 °C (77 °F)
Min temperature: 6 °C (43 °F)
Ultraviolet index: 3
Min temperature: 6 °C (43 °F)
Ultraviolet index: 3
Temperature: 25 °C (77 °F)
Precipitation: 0.0 mm
Cloud cover: 12%
Wind speed: 9 km/h (5 mph)
Precipitation: 0.0 mm
Cloud cover: 12%
Wind speed: 9 km/h (5 mph)
Wind direction: 186 °
Pressure: 1020 hPa
Humidity: 53%
Visibility: 10 km
Pressure: 1020 hPa
Humidity: 53%
Visibility: 10 km
Sunrise: 06:18 am
Sunset: 09:24 pm
Sunset: 09:24 pm
Moonrise: 01:16 am
Moonset: 12:38 pm
Moonset: 12:38 pm
Max temperature: 25 °C (77 °F)
Min temperature: 6 °C (43 °F)
Ultraviolet index: 3
Min temperature: 6 °C (43 °F)
Ultraviolet index: 3
Temperature: 26 °C (80 °F)
Precipitation: 0.0 mm
Cloud cover: 23%
Wind speed: 12 km/h (7 mph)
Precipitation: 0.0 mm
Cloud cover: 23%
Wind speed: 12 km/h (7 mph)
Wind direction: 212 °
Pressure: 1017 hPa
Humidity: 63%
Visibility: 10 km
Pressure: 1017 hPa
Humidity: 63%
Visibility: 10 km
Sunrise: 06:19 am
Sunset: 09:24 pm
Sunset: 09:24 pm
Moonrise: 01:36 am
Moonset: 01:39 pm
Moonset: 01:39 pm
Max temperature: 26 °C (80 °F)
Min temperature: 7 °C (44 °F)
Ultraviolet index: 3
Min temperature: 7 °C (44 °F)
Ultraviolet index: 3
Temperature: 24 °C (75 °F)
Precipitation: 0.1 mm
Cloud cover: 49%
Wind speed: 15 km/h (9 mph)
Precipitation: 0.1 mm
Cloud cover: 49%
Wind speed: 15 km/h (9 mph)
Wind direction: 202 °
Pressure: 1020 hPa
Humidity: 68%
Visibility: 7 km
Pressure: 1020 hPa
Humidity: 68%
Visibility: 7 km
Sunrise: 06:19 am
Sunset: 09:25 pm
Sunset: 09:25 pm
Moonrise: 01:54 am
Moonset: 02:38 pm
Moonset: 02:38 pm
Max temperature: 24 °C (75 °F)
Min temperature: 10 °C (50 °F)
Ultraviolet index: 3
Min temperature: 10 °C (50 °F)
Ultraviolet index: 3
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