Webcams nearby
Wunstorf - Osprey, barn owl, barn swallow, kes...
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Wunstorf - Marktplatz
8 km (4 mi)
Bückeburg - Marktplatz, Fußgängerzone
26 km (16 mi)
Hanover - Radio ffn
29 km (18 mi)
Hanover - Marina
30 km (18 mi)
Hanover - Hamburger allee
30 km (18 mi)
Hanover - Raschplatz
30 km (18 mi)
Hanover - Central Station
30 km (18 mi)
Hessisch Oldendorf - Markt
30 km (18 mi)
Bird nests in the Hagenburger Moor nature reserve. The current webcam image available on the external website.
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