Webcams nearby
Vall de Boí - Pla de Vaques
Webcams nearby
Taüll - Panoramic view
5 km (3 mi)
Boí - Panoramic view
5 km (3 mi)
Erill la Vall
6 km (3 mi)
La Torre de Cabdella - Vall Fosca
9 km (5 mi)
Vilaller - Mountain view
12 km (7 mi)
Espot - Refugi Josep Maria Blanc
16 km (9 mi)
Espot - Refugi d'Amitges
16 km (9 mi)
Alt Àneu - Port de la Boinagua
22 km (13 mi)
View of the ski area of Vall de Boí. The current webcam image available on the external website.
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