Webcams nearby
Petralia Sottana - Panoramic view
Webcams nearby
Castellana Sicula - Calcarelli
5 km (3 mi)
Cefalù - Cathedral
26 km (16 mi)
Cefalù - Cathedral Square
26 km (16 mi)
Enna - Several views
31 km (19 mi)
Santo Stefano di Camastra - Christmas cr...
31 km (19 mi)
San Cataldo - Panoramic view
36 km (22 mi)
Troina - Panoramic view
44 km (27 mi)
Cammarata - Panoramic view
45 km (27 mi)
Live view of the city from the camera installed on the former Convent of the Reformed Fathers. The current webcam image available on the external website.
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