Webcams nearby
Cammarata - Panoramic view
Webcams nearby
Sutera - Piazza Sant'Agata
14 km (8 mi)
Ciminna - Panoramic view
29 km (18 mi)
San Cataldo - Panoramic view
35 km (21 mi)
Agrigento - Valle dei Templi
37 km (22 mi)
Agrigento - Valley of the Temples
37 km (22 mi)
Castellana Sicula - Calcarelli
39 km (24 mi)
Realmonte - Scala dei Turchi
40 km (24 mi)
Petralia Sottana - Panoramic view
45 km (27 mi)
Live view towards Monte Cammarata. The current webcam image available on the external website.
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