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Jejkowice - Weather station
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A view to the northeast towards the Rybnik Power Station from the weather station in Jejkowice. The current webcam image available on the external website.
2024-12-22 12:15 CET
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Weather station
Temperature: 4 °C (39 °F)
Precipitation: 0.0 mm
Cloud cover: 100%
Wind speed: 27 km/h (17 mph)
Precipitation: 0.0 mm
Cloud cover: 100%
Wind speed: 27 km/h (17 mph)
Wind direction: 215 °
Pressure: 1004 hPa
Humidity: 69%
Visibility: 10 km
Pressure: 1004 hPa
Humidity: 69%
Visibility: 10 km
Sunrise: 07:43 am
Sunset: 03:47 pm
Sunset: 03:47 pm
Moonrise: 11:49 pm
Moonset: 11:35 am
Moonset: 11:35 am
Max temperature: 5 °C (40 °F)
Min temperature: 2 °C (36 °F)
Ultraviolet index: 0
Min temperature: 2 °C (36 °F)
Ultraviolet index: 0
Temperature: 5 °C (40 °F)
Precipitation: 0.7 mm
Cloud cover: 90%
Wind speed: 31 km/h (19 mph)
Precipitation: 0.7 mm
Cloud cover: 90%
Wind speed: 31 km/h (19 mph)
Wind direction: 211 °
Pressure: 1005 hPa
Humidity: 75%
Visibility: 10 km
Pressure: 1005 hPa
Humidity: 75%
Visibility: 10 km
Sunrise: 07:43 am
Sunset: 03:47 pm
Sunset: 03:47 pm
Moonrise: 11:49 pm
Moonset: 11:35 am
Moonset: 11:35 am
Max temperature: 5 °C (40 °F)
Min temperature: 2 °C (36 °F)
Ultraviolet index: 0
Min temperature: 2 °C (36 °F)
Ultraviolet index: 0
Temperature: 3 °C (38 °F)
Precipitation: 0.1 mm
Cloud cover: 69%
Wind speed: 21 km/h (13 mph)
Precipitation: 0.1 mm
Cloud cover: 69%
Wind speed: 21 km/h (13 mph)
Wind direction: 205 °
Pressure: 1007 hPa
Humidity: 82%
Visibility: 10 km
Pressure: 1007 hPa
Humidity: 82%
Visibility: 10 km
Sunrise: 07:44 am
Sunset: 03:47 pm
Sunset: 03:47 pm
Moonrise: 01:00 am
Moonset: 11:46 am
Moonset: 11:46 am
Max temperature: 3 °C (38 °F)
Min temperature: 0 °C (33 °F)
Ultraviolet index: 0
Min temperature: 0 °C (33 °F)
Ultraviolet index: 0
Temperature: 2 °C (36 °F)
Precipitation: 0.0 mm
Cloud cover: 86%
Wind speed: 21 km/h (13 mph)
Precipitation: 0.0 mm
Cloud cover: 86%
Wind speed: 21 km/h (13 mph)
Wind direction: 110 °
Pressure: 1022 hPa
Humidity: 78%
Visibility: 10 km
Pressure: 1022 hPa
Humidity: 78%
Visibility: 10 km
Sunrise: 07:44 am
Sunset: 03:48 pm
Sunset: 03:48 pm
Moonrise: 12:57 am
Moonset: 11:57 am
Moonset: 11:57 am
Max temperature: 2 °C (36 °F)
Min temperature: -0 °C (31 °F)
Ultraviolet index: 0
Min temperature: -0 °C (31 °F)
Ultraviolet index: 0
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