Webcams nearby
Leivi - Villa Oneto
Webcams nearby
Zoagli - Piazza XXVII Dicembre
2 km (1 mi)
Zoagli - Beach
2 km (1 mi)
Rapallo - Panorama of the coast
3 km (1 mi)
Rapallo - Piazza Molfino
4 km (2 mi)
Rapallo - Lungomare Vittorio Veneto
4 km (2 mi)
Rapallo - Hotel Astoria
4 km (2 mi)
Rapallo - Hotel Stella
4 km (2 mi)
Chiavari - Marina
5 km (3 mi)
View eastwards from Villa Oneto towards Crocetta and Bocco. The current webcam image available on the external website.
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